Airplane Mind
Have you ever tried to sleep somewhere that was very close to an airport? When I was growing up we used to go stay with my aunt and uncle who live in Lawrence, Long Island. I loved going there. They were incredible, eccentric people with curious thing to explore in every corner of their home…. Read More
Muppet Meditations
I remember the first time I sat down to attempt a formal meditation. Guided meditations weren’t as popular back then, so I intended to sit in silence and probably hoped to achieve a quiet mind and get all “blissed out.” I was relatively new to yoga and the practices of mind/body connection, so I was… Read More
The Presence
I wish I could say that my first transcendent experience happened outside in nature. That would sound more poetic than saying that it was in my 8th grade math class. But that’s where it was. I remember… the classroom was yellow, the teacher was Mr. Records, for some reason there were fewer students than normal…. Read More
Flexing Your Mental Muscles at the Gym
I am a preacher (and a teacher) of positive self-talk, and nowhere do we have a greater opportunity to practice this than at the gym. I was recently given the opportunity to film a “trainer’s tip” at our gym. Did I teach how to do a correct push up? Perfect squat? Nope! I talked about… Read More