Mind – Body – Spirit
The difference between traditional psychotherapy and the Holistic Counseling that I offer is that we extend beyond the confines of the mind and truly embrace the mind/body connection as well as the inner resources of the spirit.
Our work together begins where you are and incorporates the tools, philosophies and resources that most resonate with you. From there, it’s yoga and dietary interventions for some. For others it’s that plus energy healing and a gratitude practice.
Still others benefit from clarifying their values and restructuring their daily lives based on what is most important to them. My goal for the result is always the same: deeper satisfaction, wellness and happiness for you.
How we think dictates how we feel…
For most people, the most effective place to begin the therapeutic process is in the realm of mind, because what and how we think largely dictates how we feel – and therefore how we act and behave.
This is a very exciting time to work with the mind, as so much research is coming out about effective and exciting interventions. These are a few of my favorites that I use frequently with clients:
Mindfulness-Based CBT – The way we interpret situations and events leads directly to how we feel about them. I use Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help you learn how to clean up your thought patterns by replacing unhelpful thinking styles with healthier, more productive processes.
We add mindfulness to bring all thoughts into perspective to acknowledge what they are: just thoughts. You are not your thoughts, and mindfulness helps you tap into the real YOU beneath your busy mind.
Cultivating the Positive – Our brains are hardwired to focus on the negative as a survival mechanism, but that negativity bias is on overdrive for many people, far exceeding its benefits and resulting in increased anxiety and depression.
With deliberate practice, our brains can learn how to take in the positive and shift our emotional climate to one of increased joy and satisfaction.
Narrative Therapy – How we tell our stories is a great indicator of our thought patterns and strongly influences how we feel about ourselves, our life and the world. Learning to reframe your story in a way that is empowering, inspiring and uplifting changes the way you experience your life.
Personal Growth – Western culture tends to focus on and reward external success factors like appearance and professional accomplishments. However, these “successes” can ultimately feel hollow and unfulfilling. Discover what truly feels like living a successful life means for you by identifying your values and goals, and living a life based on authenticity, personal growth, love and wellness.
The Mind–Body Connection
Body – It is a growing belief that you can’t heal the body without healing the mind, and I believe that it is also impossible to heal the mind without addressing the body.
Nutrition – The food we eat affects our mood, period. Whether you’re starting with the basics of incorporating healthy habits like drinking enough water and eating more fruits and vegetable or fine-tuning your diet to manage symptoms of anxiety or depression, we can explore how nutrition can help you move toward your goals and toward the healthy and happy life you want.
Depression, anxiety, lethargy, fatigue, insomnia and brain fog are all extremely common symptoms of food-related issues. These include both sensitivities and intolerances as well as deficiencies.
The Standard American Diet can diminish wellness and vitality for most people, while a diet of whole foods supports health, energy and happiness! We will work together to identify the foods that work best for you and set attainable goals. We will put sustainable behaviors in place that will help you live the highest version of yourself.
Exercise and Movement – Bring your body into balance and increase your energy and vitality by finding the exercise and movement that works for you. Then just as important, learn how to put exercise and movement consistently into your schedule.
Exercise works like magic in its ability to help you manage stress and improve mood optimism, and its value in your life cannot be overstated.
Yoga – None of these approaches overlaps more in the body, mind and spirit categories than yoga. Yoga stretches and tones the body, increases physical and mental flexibility, releases blocked energies, calms the mind, and brings us “home” to our true selves.
As a certified yoga instructor, I teach clients specific postures and breathing exercises to address their unique concerns. Trouble sleeping? Try “legs up the wall.” Feeling frustrated? “Breath of fire” can help. No experience necessary!
Nature – Research studies have proven that nature can be as or more effective as antidepressants in improving mood! You can be sure that one piece of our work together will be emphasizing time in nature.
Personal Growth
Spirit – Within each one of us is a core essence of beingness, a fundamental awareness that is separate from our thoughts, emotions and experiences.
This essence of our self has been called many things, including the observer self, the soul, the witness, pure love, the divine self and the True Self. Regardless of what word we use, this inner self embodies unconditional self-worth.
This part of us is always present, always loving and always calm as it witnesses our personality-self move through life. This is where peace and equanimity, wisdom and our own unique Truth resides.
This essence resides beneath our external trials and tribulations, achievements and acquisitions. The ability to feel into this space, to acknowledge, experience and embody this part of ourselves is a key piece of the work we will do together – and a foundational aspect of your own personal growth.
Meditation – Our bodies are comprised of energy, and we are learning more every day about how we can work with our energy to support physical and mental health. Simple meditation techniques can help ground us in our energy bodies. Bringing in basic breath work and imagery can “lift” our energy, bringing an increased sense of energy, wellness and equanimity.
I offer many resources to practice these techniques at home so that you can incorporate them into your life.