I’m ‘fine.’
I remember the exact day I realized that my life needed to change. It was the day my life’s mission was born. I was living in Missoula, Montana, at the time – a young, healthy woman getting my undergraduate degree in social work, and I noticed that my answer to the question “How are you?” had become, almost invariably, “fine.”
And I was – I was just fine. I had the normal stresses and pressures of school and life, the occasional heartbreak and social angst. My grandfather, who I grew up with and adored, had died recently; but still, life felt manageable, just… fine.
That day in Montana I realized I wanted to feel better than just fine. And I knew I wanted to help other people feel better, too.
Where to find true health and wellness…
Traditional psychotherapy is an excellent place to learn coping skills, gain emotional regulation tools, gain insight into challenges, and brainstorm solutions to life’s problems – but it’s only one piece of the puzzle of true health and wellness.
True change requires attention to body, mind and spirit. One of the first and most helpful tools I use with clients from my ebook, Better Health, is called the “Wheel of Life,” where we explore the many areas of life that have a profound impact on resilience, mood and overall quality of life. It’s the synergy of interventions in these areas that lead to real and sustainable improvements.
Like I learned at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition teaches, you can eat a perfect diet, but if you hate your job and feel lonely all the time, you won’t be healthy.
Conversely, all the mediation in the world won’t lead to happiness if you’re eating too much sugar and junk food.
You can have all the trappings of a happy life, but if you’ve got subconscious programming convincing you that it’s not enough, you’re not enough… You guessed it. You may be “fine” on the outside, but you’re not living the vibrant, healthy, thriving life that you could be.
Mind, Body, Spirit – through Holistic Counseling
True healing and personal growth require attention into mind, body and spirit. Holistic Counseling delves deeply into all three areas, helping people discover what truly nourishes them and allows them to thrive.
I love helping my clients discover and uncover their own unique combination of what allows them to live healthy, joyful lives. My clients leave therapy with their own “Operating Manual” full of guidance, resources and reminders of what helps them cope and thrive in the world and how to move forward as the best version of themselves.
That’s the type of life I want you to be living. I want you to be open to all that life has to offer. Full of energy and joie de vie, confident in your ability to cope with challenges that life throws at you and able to enjoy the blessings. When people ask you how you are, I want you to be able to answer, “I am doing absolutely fabulous.”