Better Health in
No matter why you’re seeking therapy…
What mood or situation you’re looking to fix…
This moment can be a turning point in your life.
Things aren’t feeling so good right now.
Are you one of the 40 million people in American who suffers from anxiety?
Or one of the 16.1 million with depression?
Maybe for you it seems inevitable – when so many things are “wrong” in your life how could you not be unhappy?
But maybe it doesn’t seem to make sense – things are “fine,” so why do you feel so “not fine”???
Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
We are not designed to feel happy.
The brain is designed to focus on the problems in our lives as a survival mechanism, and it is excellent at its job. Not only does it focus on troubling and challenging things and magnify them so we’re consumed by them, but it also has the ability to create problems out of thin air, even where none actually exist!
The “default” mode of the brain, where it tends to hover when you’re lost in thought, (which for most people is much of the time) is mildly negative, so except for those rare (and frankly enviable) people who seem to be born with unusually high amounts of resilience and optimism, most of us are walking around thinking more about what’s wrong or could be wrong than what’s right. Not a great recipe for happiness, right?
Get to the ROOTS.
And to add to it, we are now coming to understand that much of what we think, feel and do is happening automatically, based on the conditioning we received in our early years.
Ever notice you seem to repeat the same bad decisions? Attract the same unhealthy relationships? Struggle with the same issues? (overeating/self-esteem/jealousy/anger/etc). That’s why. The roots are deep, and until we recognize what is happening, no amount of work, willpower, dieting, desire or intention to change is likely to lead to lasting happiness.
Fortunately you don’t have to spend years on the couch in psychoanalysis to feel better.
In our work together, you will learn how to identify the unhelpful patterns of thought and behavior in your life, and more importantly, how to replace them with more productive ways of thinking and acting. You will learn skills to help replace the brain’s innate “negativity bias” with a more balanced view of yourself and the world – a mindset that will help you thrive, rather than just survive.
In addition to developing the psychological tools to support your mood and mental health, you will be offered the opportunity to implement lifestyle and dietary changes that will support and enhance your wellbeing. From developing a simple yoga practice to use at home to learning how to avoid trigger foods and nourish your body appropriately, holistic counseling can provide a solid foundation to create deep, lasting change.
You’re not alone.
Sandra’s story
Sandra, a high school principal, came to therapy after years of self-judgment and perfectionism. She blamed herself for her estranged relationships with her children and was deeply depressed. She was also struggling with an eating disorder and disabling anxiety symptoms.
After learning to observe her ingrained thought patterns or “stories,” Sandra was able to develop more compassion for herself. This created space for motivation to exercise, which led to the beginning of a yoga practice. This sparked an interest in meditation and Buddhist Psychology.
Sandra became aware of her own worthiness, which changed her relationship with food. She is now living a full, healthy joy-filled life. She can experience grief about family relationships without letting it dictate the quality of her life.
Elizabeth’s story
Elizabeth, a recent college graduate, came to therapy depressed and anxious as her unhealthy relationship was drawing to a volatile close. She blamed herself for getting into yet another toxic relationship that ultimately “failed.”
As Elizabeth learned to incorporate simple yoga postures and meditations, she learned to tune in to herself more deeply. She became aware of how underlying thoughts of unworthiness triggered unhealthy behaviors.
Once uncovered, Elizabeth was able to revise her distorted self-image and grow her self-esteem and confidence. She recognized the impact junk food and a sedentary lifestyle was having on her mood and made sustainable changes, leading to improved energy and vitality. She is currently in a healthy relationship and the mother of young daughter.
Sherry’s story
Sherry came to therapy after years of feeling like she was on a hamster wheel and wondering when life would start to feel more meaningful. A mother of three and full-time human resources specialist, she felt tired and sluggish; she was steadily gaining weight as she ate quick, convenient foods often on the go.
Sherry loved her children but was overwhelmed by their busy schedules and felt like she was perpetually falling behind. She thought she should be happy, but just wasn’t. Making time for holistic counseling where she could organize her thoughts, using mindful “mini breaks” and learning how to meal prep quick, healthy meals allowed Sherry to regroup, evaluate her priorities and integrate more meaning into her life.
Now Sherry occasionally says no to volunteer requests and makes time to spend outdoors every day. She exercises five days/week and has become active in her church community. She says she’s “just as busy but feels so much calmer.”
These clients and many others entered therapy hoping to put out a fire and left profoundly transformed after making simple but powerful changes in body, mind and spirit.
We got to the root of their issues – to things like distorted thinking patterns; poor diet, inadequate exercise; busy, frantic lifestyles; unhealthy boundaries and non-existent self-care – and they made changes!
One change often leads to another. When interventions are offered on multiple levels to include the mind, body and spirit, profound change is often the result.
Hi, I’m Nicole
One of the central principles in my work with clients is that at our core we are all unconditionally worthy, and that we are all doing the best we can. One thing I can promise you is that in my office, you will not be judged. I believe that when we know better, we do better, and therapy can be the place where you can figure out how to do better.
My goal is to create a safe space where you can relax, let down your guard, and start to figure out what you need to feel your best. There is so much value in taking the time to reflect in this way, especially when life can get so busy and complicated. We’re all in this together, and it would be an honor for me to be a part of your journey.